Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cute new dresses....

I perfected a pattern for a cute dress recently and decided to make some for the shop. I've already made 3 for my own collection. (^_^) I know that number will multiply quite soon. (Uh oh...)

Recently, when I was dressing dolls I kept thinking of the cute little dresses that I've seen for Momokos. But they are generally WAY outta my price range. 

I have since been working on patterns for various dresses with a similar feel as what I see and cannot afford, so that I can have quality garments without the huge price tag. 
Which means, as I go about this "endeavor" you will see some of these items added to my shop.

So, with that, I give you a dress that I can offer in prints, solids, and various lengths. 
Not only that, they are lined, and snap neatly in the back with a small button detail. 
Oh, and these dresses will fit many different doll body types.

If you want a certain length, or color inbox me on Etsy for a custom order.


Thank you again for the positive encouragement!

*hugs to each of you!*

-Cat of A Doll Affinity 

Monday, September 17, 2012


Just *CLICK HERE* to go to my Etsy shop. 


-Cat of A Doll Affinity

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The GRAND OPENING of my Etsy store!!!!!

FINALLY!!!! My Etsy store will open TOMORROW (9/17) at 4PM. 
I will post a link to the store front when it opens here on the blog AND on facebook at the "A Doll Affinity" page. 

Thank you ALL for the support and constructive comments!!!
I am eternally grateful to all of you for showing this blog and the concept of "A Doll Affinity" so much love. (^_^) 

I will get back to the rest of the comments and messages soon. I haven't forgotten any of you. This weekend has been dedicated to putting all the hair pulling last minute touches on everything. 
Even as I type this I still have a million things to do before tomorrow. I work best under pressure. Twisted? Very.

I will stock the store according to what people seem interested in, which is another reason I don't have more listed. I want to make things that people will actually enjoy having in their collections. 


-Cat of A Doll Affinity (^_^)

Friday, September 14, 2012

DOTW Princess of Japan Barbie Reroot (^_^)

As many of you know I have been re-rooting several of my own dolls recently. 
I have wanted the Princess of Japan Barbie FOREVER!! A couple weeks ago I finally won her NIB on eBay for $20 shipped. Her face is perfect! (No off set eyes and crappy face paint! Woo hoo!)

I quickly purchased her a 27cm Obitsu body (the cheapest model, $23 shipped, in the "white" skin tone).
Her complexion is WAY too pale for the "Sinatra" or "Elvis" pivotal bodies.
I have 3 gals on Obitsu bodies due to this. I know some Integrity bodies would match, but they are a small fortune....AND they have less articulation. 
If you are interested in checking out these "Obitsu" bodies I keep blabbing on about...

They are shorter than most Barbie dolls.

An example of this....
***Warning bad quality photo ahead***
That is "Sakura" aka Princess of Japan in the middle.  Personally, I think the shorter stature makes her more of a character. 
(I'm a tall person, and I still feel this way.) 

A closer, and clearer picture of what Sakura looked like before I got a wild look in my eye, and ripped all of her hair out. 

Gorgeous, isn't she? 

I just loved her face SO much that I couldn't bring myself to leave her as a stiff display doll.
She needed some life breathed into her.

When my doll hair order came in there was a color I bought just to see it up close. 
I soon realized whose hair it was meant to be, and this happened...
I realize that I don't often show many "in progress shots". 
Usually my madness takes over to such a level that I space taking pictures of the process. 
As you see from the above pictures she has an odd hairline.
(She also had sideburns.)
So I erased them using Pure Acetone *scary stuff*....
 Better! (^_^)

Then the paint and sealer was put on so her scalp would semi-match her hair...

It wasn't as shiny as this picture depicts.

After a good amount of drying it was time to "plug" away. 

Yes, her head is on a plate. I pre-tied 450 plugs for her re-root. 
Though, I did not end up using them all. She took 2 days to complete. 
The hair color is "Red red wine" and it is Saran. 

After many hours of good music, and slightly sore fingers, she was finished!!

I will be trimming her hair and evening up the ends in the near future. 
But now, she has charisma!! (^_^)

And just to remind everyone of what she looked like before....

Beautiful either way. 
Maybe one day I will buy another for display. 


May each of you be blessed!!!

A HUGE THANKS to all of you who comment, blog, play, and keep in touch even when I am terrible about keeping up on replies!!! 
I sincerely appreciate each of you with all my heart. 

-Cat of A Doll Affinity

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Heads will roll....

.....and get re-rooted. (^_^)   Well, that seems to be the way of things around here the past two weeks.
I finished up two re-root commissions that have needed done for AWHILE. Then I decided to go crazy re-rooting the many dolls in my own collection that have been severely neglected.

The first victim was for April. She requested I re-root her gal "Katrina" like my custom doll Carmen.
I did just that, and here was the dramatic result...

 (April's doll "Katrina")
*She also received a lip re-paint.*

(A reminder of who Carmen is.)

Another shot of Katrina...

(She was originally a Fashion Fever Make up Kayla....I think.)

Next up was a re-root commission that I put on the back burner of my "to do" list WAY too long. 
This was my very first Louboutin head mold. 
The outer rim on this doll was a nightmare. 
Also, the head was slightly thicker/harder than other dolls I've worked with. 
Of course most of us know the champs for hard heads are those Integrity guys an gals! (^_^)

Here is a crappy "in progress" shot...

(She is formerly a Barbie Basics 2.5 Metallics Model #14)

And finally....

(It was also requested that I darken her brows.)
Her hair was rooted in "Black Orchid".

Now the next doll I have to show everyone is now a doll I re-rooted. 
She was a doll I got already "re-painted", and I had to touch that paint up. Her hair had been messed with (highlights added) but they were never "set".  I no longer have a "before" of this doll. 
In truth, she was a hot mess. 

I removed her "re-paint" to reveal her original factory paint and then enhanced it. 
After that I "set" her hair and styled her. 

Presenting "Gabby"...

 (She is formerly a DOTW Princess of the Pacific Islands Barbie.) 

Last, but certainly not least (yay cliche time!).... *wink*

"Meena" was a doll I bought for $18 several years ago. 
She had become quite warn out over time and travel.
To buy this doll now will cost more than I am willing to pay for just a head. 
So, in the spirit of Tim Gunn...I needed to "Make it work!" 

I wanted to re-root her in all her original colors using Saran.
But then...
Rosewood Auburn looked mind blowing on her....

This doll was a DOTW Diwali Barbie...

Que stock photo!

 (Even though they didn't quite look like this...oh Mattel!) 

After a re-root and face paint enhancement she became this...

I am very pleased with how she turned out. 

Once more without flash!

I am in the process of re-rooting another one of my old dolls, and I am still sewing...

More blogs will come within the next week or so. 

I hope every one is doing AWESOME!!!


-Cat of A Doll Affinity (=^-^=)