Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 and I'm not making any promises...

I know I was less than here in 2014. There was a lot of change, and not all of it was good. 
I work a lot now, and don't have as much time for the doll side of my life. 
However, I do have ENOUGH time. 
I'm not making any promises, because that seems to burn up in flames.
 I know I am not the only person this happens to. I've seen it happen to many of you off and on. 
That is life, it's always ebbing and flowing.
 So, I am going to attempt to dust this blog off again and pick up 1/6th Cat's antics where we left off. 

I still read your blogs. 
I miss commenting and connecting. 
Admittedly I became quite reclusive in 2014, so please allow me to crawl back out from the hole I've been living in for the past year. 
Things will be shifting a bit as can be evidenced from the blog's new look (probably going to continue to tweak it.) 
Hope you can find it in your hearts to be patient with me as I fall into the newness of my vision. 

*Giant Hugs*

<3  Cat and her dolly Motley Crew <3


  1. Hey Cat, I totally understand. I have had to and continue to have to do mandatory overtime at work. It can leave you too drained to even enjoy the money. I have not posted as much as I would have like too wither, but I hope to do so in the new year. It will be great to have you back. I love the new look!

    1. We had a lot of mandatory overtime at the end of the year too. It really does just suck the life right out of you. :/ I was having the same thoughts about not even being able to enjoy the money. I'm hoping the overtime slows down this month for both of us. <3 And thank you for sticking around despite my absence. *hugs* I hope we both post more this year. :)

  2. Happy New Year Cat! I've missed you too, but life is just like that, one have to abide and make the best of anything that happens to us.
    Kisses Billa

    1. You're absolutely right! <3 A very Happy New year to you Billa!
      I still love reading your blog. :)

  3. Like all old friends, we miss seeing you and just hope you're OK! We understand and except our time with you gratefully. Happy New Years!

    1. You are incredibly sweet! <3 Thank you! A Very Happy New Year to you Ms. Leo! *hugs*

  4. Hi Cat, so glad to hear from you, wishing you a beautiful and happy 2015! Big New Year hugs! (former follower Nymphaea, I changed my account). Your new lay-out is lovely :-).

    1. I wondered where you had gone! :) Now I have followed both of your blogs. So happy to hear from you too! And thank you for the New Year wishes, may your year be filled with love, laughter, and all the other good stuff! ;) (I am really glad you like the new layout.) *hugs*

  5. Happy New Years! I'm glad to see that you still read the blogs, as I often find myself flipping through all your old posts. I'm glad to also hear that you do what is best for you. I can't wait to see the Motley Crew whenever they reappear. *hugs*

    1. Happy New Year to you too! <3 I always pop in and check out what everyone's latest dolly news is. ;) But I tend to do it on my phone, so that makes commenting a huge pain because my phone has issues. lol The Motley Crew will reappear quite soon. ;) *big hugs*

  6. I know exactly what you mean. 2014 wasn't too bad...until the last few months. I feel so optimistic about 2015 and I wish the same for you!

    1. I am glad you had a good first half of 2014, but sorry to hear the last few months didn't treat you with more kindness. I am approaching 2015 with cautious optimism. Hoping for a better year than last, for all of us. <3

  7. She's back! You may not actually know me because I showed up after your posting slowed down, but I've been re-reading the needle-in-head saga and just dying laughing.

    May 2015 be prosperous, productive, and happy for you.

    1. Thank you so much! <3 I went to your dolly blog and subscribed through feedburner so I won't miss a thing. And knowing anything I've put together gets a laugh or a smile out of someone, makes all the difference! *hugs*

      May your 2015 be all you want/need it to be and more! <3

  8. Happened to me too! Being pregnant and constantly sick, buying a new house, totaling my car (deer, eek).... these things just totally took away from planned dolly time!

    (and still are... somehow I don't think "baby" is one of those things that takes up less time, LOL)

    You're in my RSS feed though, lol, so as long as you don't change your blog address unannounced, I'll be here and ready to read when you do post something!! :)

    1. Oh my goodness! You aren't kidding!! The sickness still hasn't let up? :/

      And babies take up ALL the time. I just have my niece around a lot (she'll be 1 year on Jan 8th) and she is already a terror. lol A sweet terror that I love with all my heart, but she gets into everything. lol

      You're a good planner though, so I am sure you will make the most of all the time you do get. <3

      I still watch all you do when post, and will continue to do so. :)

  9. Cat, I totally understand. I became a recluse in 2014, too, and I completely neglected my beady blog and beady friends. I think that's just how some of us cope with change -- it's definitely how I cope with new things, stressful things, and... week days. I'm also in the no-promises stage of blogging, both for my bead blog and for the new doll blog I started. Because, you know, the best thing for an overwhelmed blogger is to start another one. :P

    I'm happy with whatever you end up posting, and I will definitely be patient. *Hugs.*

    1. It is so refreshing to know someone else is in that place too. I felt really guilty for the way I just disappeared, but it couldn't be helped. Generally I hate the beginning of a New Year because I tend to be paranoid of all the bad things it may bring no matter how hard I focus on the good bits. lol So cheers to you and I for giving this stuff a go in our own way at our own pace! <3

      P.S. I got your e-mail and feel like the WORST for not replying yet. I still plan on writing back, because I got that e-mail during a really rough spot. Those moments aren't something I forget, or take lightly. Thank you! <3 *hugs back*

    2. Oh, man. I hear you on the new year anxiety. Every time January rolls around, I'm like... what if this is the year everything falls apart beyond all repair? Oh, PTSD. Such fun....

      Aww! I'm glad I had good timing, at least. It takes me a really long time to write back to emails when I'm in isolation mode, so take your time and know that I get it.

    3. Haha! I know that EXACT feeling. :/

      I'm also happy to know you understand. I hate when I drag ass about properly replying to someone. There is no real reason behind it. I think I just completely lose track of time. Lame! lol :)

  10. I'm so excited to see you coming back, even if it's limited time. Your new blog design is pretty incredible. I miss your dolly fashion sense the most. 2014 was a horrendous year for me, but it ended on a great note since I got to spend Christmas and the New Year with my granddaughter. I'm excited about the new year and look forward to seeing new posts from you.

    1. I kept seeing you post one upsetting event after another. I certainly hope 2015 treats you like the awesome person you are. <3 And thank you for the sweet and encouraging words. They are always welcomed with open ears and arms. ;) New posts are in the works even as I type this. So happy you had a good Christmas with your granddaughter!

  11. chłopak MARZENIE -
    niebezpieczne :)))

    1. Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments!! <3 You're a doll! ^_^
