Monday, June 1, 2015


I know the title is ominous, but my life did not pan out the way I thought it might since my last post. (January. Yikes.) 

I had been working on some projects with much diligence, but we got a notice that our house was under foreclosure. I should clarify we paid rent to the homeowner. Our landlord thought it would be cute to destroy an entire family unit by taking and spending the rent money (that was to go toward the mortgage) since October of 2014. Apparently the (insert expletive here) doesn't care about the lives of others. So, my step-sister and myself decided to get an apartment in town close to our jobs. 
But my mom and step-dad, brother, sister in law, and my sweet little niece are still trying to find somewhere they can call home.

So, we've been trying to make this place feel like "home".
I'm a lil' ashamed of my hole in the wall apartment.
But we all start somewhere...

Here is the living room.



Totally off topic....

I made a BJD wig for this girl over the weekend.

(Need to take more picture of her when she's finished.) 

Okay, back to the tour...

My super sexy bathroom.

And by sexy I mean small.

 Really small.

The Doll Room...sorta.

Welcome to Hell House.

So, my brilliant brain managed to forget to take a picture of the kitchen, and the other bedroom.
Truth be told it is a disaster. The doll room needs new floor or carpet and then my sister will move into that room. Which means LOTS of stuff will be leaving the apartment.  But we will cross that bridge when we get to it. Everything is kind of up in the air and we've set it up to function.

At least we have a roof over our head. For that, we're grateful. <3

A special thank you to those who purchased items from me during my time of moving.
If I could hug all of you, I would!  I do not know what we would have done without all of you.
<3 <3 <3

Okay, so to attempt a step back into normalcy here on this blog I will be sharing some pics of my latest custom dolls. Plus my mini me will be coming back as well.

They are quite grumpy from the move as shown below..

But my sweet boy Pickles is settling in comfortably.

Okay, make that comfortable with a side of evil?  O.O

To close out this entry I will leave you with a quick snap of a new blue haired devil I re-rooted.

Oh boy.
I think we're back in business...

Cat and her wee band of hooligans will be returning for some much needed mayhem. 

Stay tuned..



  1. Hi Cat, sorry for the disruption in your family's life that your unscrupulous landlord caused. I had neighbors who lost a house they were buying in a rent to own contract because the landlord took their payments but didn't pay the mortgage he had on the property.

    You are so creative I am sure you can make your new apartment a cozy home. Best wishes to the rest of your family!

    1. I am so sorry that happened to your neighbors. It is appalling how many people have told me they have gone through this type of situation or know someone who has. Human decency shouldn't be so lax. Family and home are so important. Thank you for your kind comment and well wishes! I hope 2015 is being kind to you and yours. <3

  2. Oh, gosh, I hate that that happened to you! We had a similar experience several years ago when the owner decided to flake on the property he had for rent, with the added layer of messed up being that we'd rented through a property management company thinking it would be "safer" as they'd vet their clients, right?! Hah! I'm glad you've found a place to land, even if it's less than ideal.

    1. That's horrible! Why do renters have almost zero protection from this sort of thing? :/ It's so incredibly stressful to go through. The apartment isn't ideal, but considering what we pay and the location, plus no pet deposit for Mr. Pickles, it wasn't such a bad break. :) Hearing the crap so many others have gone through gives me hope. Thank you for the comment! <3

  3. Oh, wow, your landlord was pretty bad, but I hear stories like that all of the time! You apartment does not look bad at all! Believe me, I have lived in much worse accommodations. You should have seen the apartments I lived in in college! Hope the rest of your family finds a place soon.

    1. Thank you Phyllis! <3 I know it could be worse. I guess it just doesn't feel like "home" without family close. I'll feel better once they land somewhere and can breathe easy too. Thank you for the comment and kind words. :)

  4. Wow, that's a lot to deal with! Best luck with everything - your living room display looks great though.

    1. Aw! Thank you so very much!! <3 :) I did enjoy setting up the living room.

  5. Cat I am sending you and your family lots of hugs. I guess we are posed with challenges to make us stronger people. That doesn't seem like Hell House to me. Looks cozy and nice. Your cat doesn't seem like he enjoyed the move at all. Lol. We are looking forward to your return.

    1. Thank you Vanessa! <3 I agree. I'm feeling quite a bit more capable. Tired, but more encouraged to hold my own and push past what is "comfortable". The things I have taken for granted will not be forgotten after this messy milestone. Lessons to carry with me through the rest of my life. <3 Thank you for the compliment. :) And Pickles has his mood swings but he is getting settled now. Thank goodness! lol Hope you are doing some better. I creep on your blog all the time! ;) *hugs*

  6. Hi Cat! I missed you and your post! I'm sorry for the eviction, I send positive vibes and prayers to you family.
    Changes are always scary, I've been through many changes in this last year, so I feel for you.
    Anyway your apartment is cute, even is not so big.

    1. *GIGANTIC BEAR HUGS BACK* I miss talking with you and think of you often. I hope some of those changes you have faced have been good. <3 You are an incredible person Sergio, and I am proud to call you my friend. :) Thank you a MILLION times for being such a supportive part of my life. *MORE HUGS AND GOOD VIBES TO YOU AND YOURS* (^_^)

  7. The place really does look great and I'm so glad to see you blogging again!! <3 <3 <3

    1. Thank you!!! <3 I'm glad to see you taking pictures and posting again too! *hugs*

  8. YAY! Wonderful to see you back! Your apartment looks great! I have definitely lived in a lot worse, my friend. I hope this goes a lot better than the last. Your BJD is looking amazing. Her little fox (wolf?) friend is so cute too. I can't wait to see more doll stuff!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! <3 So far it is feeling a lil' more like home. When we first moved in I wanted to be at work so I didn't have to be here. I was crazy sad/depressed. But now I am starting to hate being at work again. And that's a good/normal sign. Haha! ;) Your BJDs look phenomenal! He is suppose to be a fox. Oddly enough he was a Christmas ornament I found at Target. I knew I had to bring him home as soon as I saw him. :)

  9. Glad to hear you are beginning to feel at home after such a terrible experience. I hope the rest of your family find somewhere nice to live soon (and close by too). Your new place isn't so bad - this week one of our TV channels was talking about some new apartments in Melbourne which are one room only and 10 paces from front to back. Glad to see Mr Pickles looking somewhat settled, even if your dolls are grumpy.

    1. That is pretty small! The bathroom is way tiny but the rooms aren't bad. The kitchen and living room are a good size too. :) So, I'll deal with it. There is room for most of the doll stuff that is important to me and room to work. I know a lot of people don't have even that, so I need to stop complaining. <3 The dolls will get over it....or get sold. Ha! ;) Thank you so much for the comment! Love hearing from you!

  10. I'm slow to respond but I'm glad you have a new place to be. I love your new digs. I have lived in smaller and worse spots so you have nothing to be ashamed of. I hate that your landlord was dishonest and caused your family to be displaced. i believe Karma will be getting some of that ass for a long time LOL.
    I'm loving the tub of dolls and Pickles. Thank goodness cats are very versatile and adapt well

    1. I'm slow at everything here lately! You are in good company. Life and work get crazy. ;) I love hearing from you whenever you have a chance to stop in. <3 Thank you for the compliment! I got some shelves hung and am working on filling them to better utilize my space. I hope Karma crawls up that man's ass and lives there. LOL As for the doll tub, it is finally emptied out and everyone is finding their drawer home. ;) Mr. Pickles has been more smug with all the new space he can roam around in now. lol Cats, are hilarious. <3
