Monday, March 28, 2016

A Time Warp!

This post is going to be a doozy. 

The last time we saw 1/6 Cat and her motley crew, things looked a little different than they will in Episode 6. I decided that a mini photo story was in order before it premieres on April 4th

Please feel free to refresh and enjoy episodes 1-5 by clicking here.
Or, if you are more of a video person, I have made the first 5 episodes into Youtube videos. 
You can visit my Youtube channel to view them by clicking here.
I will be making all future episodes available on the blog and on Youtube. 

What a mess... -.-

Last, but not least...

My friend, Shannon, was a huge help in getting me started on Instagram. 
She offers her services for a small fee. 
If you would like more info on how she can help promote you on Instagram,
feel free to contact her through her Etsy or Retro Dolls US Facebook page.

Thank you for stopping in!

✨Cat and her dolly horde!✨

Monday, March 21, 2016

What the Flock?

Of my Homme collection, Rock Ringmaster Lukas is a definite favorite. 
But his original flocking wasn't so great. 
I didn't get a picture of the nightmare it had become.
Just imagine a flaky black mess with bald spots galore. 
That about sums it up. 

The above picture is what he looked like after all of his original flock was removed. 
Underneath it was an even layer of dark brown paint. 

I thought he would never be whole again. 
Because he needed re-flocked in longer fibers. 
Plus, I wanted a better glue than the run-of-the-mill water based stuff. 

Then I discovered Flock Concepts.
He brought my Rock Ringmaster Lukas to life again. 

I was floored when I saw what an amazing job he did. 
Flocking long fibers, to achieve the spiked look, takes a special and unique technique. 
It is applied differently than the powder flock many of us are accustomed to. 
To see a neat video on how it is done, click here.

I encourage you to give Flock Concepts a try if you have a need for the spiked flock. 
He responds to e-mails fast and is great at answering any questions you might have.

I don't know where else you can get such a great service for 
 $8.49 per head (+ $2.00 USD Return Shipping.)

Just to show a closeup of a job well done...

Now, onto a HUGE announcement! 

I will be launching Episodes 1-5 of Doll Affinity's mini me series on Youtube
The links for each video will be found in the 
tab at the top of this blog. 

They will go live on March 28th. 

Why did I do this after over a year and a half?
Because I will be posting Episode 6 on April 4th. 
I have been hard at work this month to breathe life back into my storytelling. 
I've missed it. 
And it is REALLY happening this time. 
I hope you will still give it a read or a watch. 

There will be updates about all of this and more in the coming 2 weeks.
Stay tuned....

*~*Cat and her dolly horde*~*

Monday, March 14, 2016

Dreadlocks and Kawaii!

Last week, I worked on a very special guest. 
I didn't snag any before pictures, but you might recognize him from Miranda's blog.
It is the handsome, Shaun!

Miranda wanted something edgier for him, 
so she sent him to me for dreadlocks.  

Here is the result...

For those of you who want to try something like this,
I suggest visiting this wonderful tutorial:
Click here!

 Miranda did his awesome facial hair.

 The style is actually done with side cuts on both sides.

One more...full body shot. ;)

I promised some Kawaii style cuteness in the title, and now I'm going to deliver. 

I re-bodied one of my Fashionista Barbies, named Nala, on a new Made to Move Barbie body. 
She has such a sweet face!
As you can see, Nala and Morgan have become fast friends. 
I hope they don't share a love of bad boys. 
Maybe Nala's kind demeanor will rub off on Morgan over time. 
I can dream. ;)

 On a side note:
I saw the following posted on Facebook
and thought some of you might be interested.

Special sale going on today!
Buy ANY item in the RDUS Etsy shop and be entered to win a grab bag worth $30 of doll hair! Here's how it works: Go to the RDUS Etsy shop and buy an item.
$5= 1 entry $10= 3 entries $20= 7 entries $50= 18 entries
PLUS a 10% coupon for your next purchase of $20 or more.
If RDUS reaches $150 in sales by midnight EST on the 14th (technically 15th),
RDUS will extend the sale until Friday, double the grab bag to $60 worth of doll hair,
 and include a 10% coupon to the RDUS Etsy shop. *sale 3/14/2016 thru 3/14/2016

Have an exceptional week!

*~*Cat and her dolly horde*~*

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Boys and Curls, May I Have Your Attention, Please? ;)

I recently completed a commission that allowed me to experiment with a new medium. 
Okay, it isn't new, but it isn't something I have used for flocking before. 
The base doll for this project was a Hunger Games Finnick Ken.

Here is his disembodied head also sometimes referred to as a before shot.
I'd say, judging from his expression, he isn't feeling the before picture.

Oddly, I think he's feeling this look.

I flocked both sides in a very fine black glitter. 
It went everywhere.
 I should've donned a mask, but I had no idea the sparkling death my lungs would incur. 
Still, it looks pretty don't you think? 

For a guy who has glitter on both sides of his head, he looks serious. 

I'd like to point out that neither of us happens to be magicians.
His shirt was changed to gray using Photoshop.  ;)

Bonus project!
For those of you who may not recognize the gal in the above picture, she is a Tris Divergent Barbie doll.
I liked her original look. 
But you know I'm a sucker for longer hair when it comes to my dolls.  
So, this transformation may not surprise you. 

I re-named her Clara, and she is wearing another beautiful creation from HautePoppet.

I know a lot of individuals aren't thrilled with the new Made to Move Barbie bodies.
But I LOVE them!
The range of motion coupled with the affordability is a win/win for me.

On an unrelated note,
 I have officially dropped the "A" and will now be known as "Doll Affinity" instead.
 I will be changing out logos reflecting the new and subtle name change soon-ish.

May this find you happy and smiling,
*~*~*Cat and her dolly horde*~*~*